Future Planning
Most of us prefer not to think about what would happen if we were to lose our ability to make decisions regarding our property, our health and our personal affairs. Yet every day we are witness to such situations, especially in view of the current rise in life expectancy, which is expected to continue rising.
Therefore it is important to take time out from our daily routine, make intelligent decisions and plan our future now in the best way possible rather than leaving our loved ones to deal with our affairs during crises.
As of April 2017, innovative and progressive legal tools and instruments became available that enable individuals to plan in advance and attain improved legal control in various circumstances in which individuals may lose the ability to make decisions about their own affairs.
These instruments provide a safety net and increased certainty and control in situations in which we are unable to make decisions, whether about our property, our health or our personal affairs.
Business owners must also consider who can ensure that their business will continue operating in cases of temporary or permanent unfitness for any reason whatsoever.
Among other things, future planning enables parents to determine in advance who will see to their children’s financial needs if they are unable to do so. This should be done in the case of minor children, but also in the case of adult children who are still being supported financially by their parents.
Future planning is a good idea and recommended at any age for it enables you to exert control over future situations in which you are unable to function and make decisions.
True, sometimes this is difficult and requires you to cope with weighty issues. But burying your head in the sand is also no fun… and sand can get in your eyes.
When you come in for consultation, we will explain all the information and topics relevant to you, present the possible solutions and tools and together formulate the best solutions.
Only attorneys who have been certified by the Guardian General of the Ministry of Justice are authorized to sign these documents according to the new law.
Attorney Shmulik Lavi was one of the first to be so authorized by the Guardian General in September 2017. Based on his more than twenty years of experience in the relevant legal areas, among them property law, real estate taxation and family law, Attorney Lavi can offer you the solution most suitable to your needs.
Among the services provided by our firm:
Future legal planning to preserve your rights in a situation in which you become unfit, including by means of the new legal instruments: enduring power of attorney, advanced directives and more.
Future legal planning regarding property—drawing up wills.
Future legal planning between members of a couple—drawing up prenuptial agreements in the event that the relationship ends for any reason whatsoever.
Future legal planning regarding those for whom you have responsibility, whether a minor or another individual, to determine in advance who will be appointed guardian in case you become unfit or die, and to give instructions to said guardian.
Future legal planning regarding medical issues—medical power of attorney, advanced directives regarding life-sustaining treatments.
Additional instruments will be suggested as needed.